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I’m African and in this part of the world, a good percentage of our food is grown on the farms, transported to the market or stores and then purchased from there by consumers. Due to the fact that they are taken from the farms in bulk and most times the entire quantity not sold to the consumers in that fresh state, it is stored and preserved. Sometimes there are preserved well and sometimes not so well but in all those instances they are purchased and consumed anyhow. Preservation could be natural but now more popularly we preserve food through the use of chemicals. This makes the food toxic and harmful for human and even animal consumption. The consumption of toxic food is responsible for the bad medical conditions for a whole lot of people. There is an increasing rate of failing health in the last few years and the major factor responsible is the quality of food and drinks we are consuming. Contamination of food is not only within the area of preservation but even in the area of production, harvesting and even transportation. The healthier the food we eat, the healthier we are or become but bad food makes us sick and sometimes the negative effects are irreversible or untreatable.

Some generations ago, people practically ate off the farm. They took crops from the ground and it went straight to the table. In this regard, these folks were generally healthier because what they ate were fresh, more nutritious and free of contamination. Food was hardly stored because they only took what they needed at the time. It was understandable to have this practice since most people then were agrarian and hunters and didn’t have much choice really as regards their lifestyle. However, we can learn from the effects of this lifestyle and can reliably tie this eating lifestyle to healthier living.

Axielle is a Marketing and Lifestyle Company. The company has been involved in the marketing and sales of a number of products and is also in the smart retail space business. Among our products are raw food products and we set up one that is dedicated to the sales, distribution, and provision of fresh farm products. We have more than twenty partner farms on our supply platform [increasing daily] and we take food products that are fresh from these farms and supply them to homes and offices in a bid to bring to life the ‘FARM TO THE TABLE’ practice. Now, why are we doing this? It’s simple. As a company, all our business interests have something in common; adding positive value to the human experience and making our world a better place. We are revitalizing the healthy living culture amongst our clients and community at very considerable costs and at the highest convenience. . We are also sponsoring programs like the ‘Healthy Living TV Show’ to educate people about eating and living healthy and also how to go about it. We want people to live long and live healthy. While helping people get access to healthy food, we are also helping the economy of our farmers by providing a market for their products and reducing waste.

So if you want to live long and healthy, get your fresh farm produce from the Axielle Fresh Farm Produce Shop. Visit our website at: Here you can also see the list of restaurants, eateries, etc where you can get tasty and more importantly HEALTHY meals to eat.

While you are at it you can also learn about the parent company and the various exciting things we have to offer on

Eat Healthy, Live Well

Henry Imoh
CEO Axielle


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